Oh Sassy! You were so wild and pretty, so driven and utterly untamed. You carried the genetic memories in your firm, strong frame that allowed your kind to survive from prehistoric time. My money was on you to outlast the rest of the flock and you might have if you had not given yourself to the raccoons instead of your bedmates, Muriel and Chestnut. I was horrified to find you nearly scalped and maimed, but still on your feet, wandering, and somehow alive. How did you ever get away, your feathers I found indicated that it was a long struggle, a fight even, and they could not get you, or keep you down. I was hoping you would make a miraculous recovery, I did my best to clean your wounds, to provide the medicines that could help ward off the infectious bites and clawings, and you did, you lasted quite a few days, with me always thinking you'd be better the next. You were able the whole time, never moped, never let down your guard. You even attacked Chestnut to let her know you were still YOU, and not to fuck with you in your weakened state. It was mind boggling. I have learned a lot from you in so many ways, but in the last days I learned the most. You handled your pain, you let me feed you and willingly ate and drank from my hand, you trusted me like you never had before and we made some progress. In the end the wounds were stronger than our healings and so we had to let you go, but in letting go let me tell you that we will never forget you. You are, you were, such a bad ass being and, in the end, a very loving being. You never led the flock, you didn't really care about that kind of stuff, and no one ever led you, you were always your own. We will miss you dear Sassafras, already our world is changed. I am glad you are free now and I thank you for teaching me with how to deal with such a grievous assault with your own stoic dignity, and your willingness to keep the will to live under unimaginable circumstances. Our world is better for having known you and I hope you are content now eating your palm seeds up in the great roost in the sky. May we meet again dear Sassy! I love you, you are a legend in my mind and in my heart, forever...