What's the Point? July 08 2019 39 Comments

I am a wanderer. I wander a lot. In wandering I usually find things that make this wanderer wonder. I love to wonder. I wonder lots of things about this little rock. Does it make you wonder? I wonder… Who made this? What was their name? What did they love about life? Who did they love? Did they have children? What were their names? What is the story of this chipped piece of volcanic glass? Did it provide a meal? Meals? Was it an old style or a newer style of point? What was it’s intended prey? How was that prey cooked? Did the man or woman who used this point have a wife or a husband? Did they like to get it on? What “religion” did they follow? How was this rock lost? Did an animal get away? Was it dropped on a long journey? The questions are endless and intriguing. How far have we come from this time? Are we, as a people, happier than the people who made and used this? Do we have as much “free” time as they did? Do we laugh and love as much as they did? Would they be considered richer or poorer than us? How much knowledge do we have in comparison to them? Would a field biologist today have half as much knowledge of the flora and fauna of their particular area as the people who created this? What was their thoughts on Universal creation? Where did they suppose they came from? The stars? Aren’t we all from the stars? At what age did this man or woman die? What “year” were they born? How old is this thing? Some of these questions may be answerable. Some may not be. Does it matter? Did these people feel that their way of life was destructive and toxic or beautiful and right? Could their way of life still have been going on as it always had if the current paradigm didn’t replace it? Where is our culture going? Are today’s news headlines inspiring? Or rather gloomy? I imagine these people were very resourceful and could find food and water on most any given day. Where does your food come from? Where does your water come from? Do you know what the wild land around you has to offer? Do you know the plants and animals that naturally occur in your area? Do you care? Or is all of that obsolete now? How many gallons of water per person per day did these people use? Did they have indoor plumbing? What was considered important to them? Were they in debt to banks? Were they in debt to feudal landlords? Did they know what rent was? Did they vote? Was housing a birthright and not a privilege? Was lying considered normal? Adultery? Were gay people discriminated against or people of lighter or darker shades of skin? It’s amazing what finding a rock can make you think about. Lots of interesting questions… These are but a few. What questions does it bring to you? I’d love to hear and so, probably, would they…
A.D. on June 30 2021 at 05:23AM
I love you LCAP
Me on June 29 2021 at 02:25PM
Erika Jean Gorman on June 29 2021 at 02:24PM
Upon recovering my Devine spirit I noted that the trail had been partially capsized by weary travelers. I was lonely of self love. I was tired and so afraid. The path was strong and beautiful though and I knew I would come upon long along it.
Your fuckqing favorite on June 28 2021 at 05:51PM
I can’t wait to wave at you all at the beach and keep walking one day.
Vox box on June 26 2021 at 02:13PM
Erika Jean on June 26 2021 at 01:10AM
Prison was nice by the way. Short lived but ever so memorable. My favorite part were the Uber Bitchqkes loading hair dye and insanity like hot cakes. Don’t forget to twizzler em for me beef cakes ✌️😘
What’s my name? on June 26 2021 at 01:00AM
I’m sorry. I love you. ❤️😭
Erika Jean on June 26 2021 at 12:46AM
I’ve seen one buck before but I’ve NEVER seen two bucks in the same place ever. I’m not sure how it would even be possible based on my life experience.
Erika Jean Gorman on June 26 2021 at 12:45AM
I think that when bucks smack their racks together it’s sexy.
Ari Cox on June 26 2021 at 12:43AM
He’s so beautiful that I can’t even imagine how lucqky the Bitchqkes are that get to touch him. Does he speak French?
Ari Vox on June 26 2021 at 12:41AM
What’s your sons name? He’s so beautiful. Is he married?
Bitchqk on June 26 2021 at 12:40AM
How many aliases does it take to convince Ari Vox she’s worth talking to.? I know…. I can’t figure it out either. Do you have any mushroom shaped stones?
Bitchqk on June 26 2021 at 12:40AM
How many aliases does it take to convince Ari Vox she’s worth talking to.? I know…. I can’t figure it out either. Do you have any mushroom shaped stones?
Vbox on June 26 2021 at 12:38AM
You know, I sang Carmen a couple times on my porch tonight. I’ve been pining for love for too long I think…. so I listened to Bella corazon and couldn’t sing. Then I realized someone may help me clean this torture chamber owned home for us soon and I felt concerned they’ll think I’m lazy even though I’m pretty sure I’m lucqky to still be breathing. I want a sweetest bracelet that HuGe and I don’t wanna pay for it. Your son’s gorgeous by the way. And I’m sorry.
Ari Vox on June 26 2021 at 12:35AM
I see there’s been some movement. I like that sweetheart necklace that just sold. Who got it, I’m jealous.
Erika Jean on June 26 2021 at 12:32AM
Can you make a necklace called ‘flying racks collide’?
Me on May 30 2021 at 04:58AM
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:40AM
Tell Chris that Isaac does it better and I get can’t wait to pour Helena a stuff one. 🍄
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:39AM
I left my pearls by the go fucqk yourselves river with the orgasmic clams. Help!
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:38AM
I’m not Jesus from the bible
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:38AM
I’m not Mary from the bible
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:37AM
I told myself once, that I’m too cool to know dumb shit. I think dumb shits have taken my shit wayyyyy to o far.
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:36AM
I’m pretty sure no one will tell me what the fucks going on
Me on May 30 2021 at 02:35AM
Help I’m lost and can’t get to the 60s
Erika Jean ARI VOX Gorman on May 01 2021 at 11:03PM
Erika Jean ARI VOX GormN on May 01 2021 at 08:24AM
I’m sorry for yelling too much.
EJG AV on March 26 2021 at 06:15PM
Thank you to the natural free human beings for hosting my musings unofficially. Peace out ✌️
Erika Jean Gorman (Ari Vox) on March 26 2021 at 01:55PM
Help me get paid and respected and I’ll throw a red velvet pumpkin themed ball every year at the Ojai Valley Inn, or worthy venue, for every human we know that shares genuine kindness with us and respects our value as human beings. Looking forward to a brighter world. Shine your hearts friends and I hope to see you there. ❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁❤️🎁
Arrrrrrrrghhhhhh on March 25 2021 at 08:57PM
Ready the parrots. 🦜
Bgh on March 25 2021 at 08:18PM
I wonder if it’s 8 miles from your all’s house to ours? 🐇
Nhffttyyyyhi on March 25 2021 at 07:45PM
Thanks for not censoring me like Frey and Amazon. #toosanetobesane
Ari Erika Jean Gorman Vox on March 25 2021 at 07:22PM
J. Gorman on February 08 2021 at 10:13AM
🌬 . ✌️ . 🤟 . The new designs are blowing my hair back with their coolness power! Ya’ll are amazing! . 🤟 . ✌️ . 🌬
J. Gorman on January 06 2021 at 05:08PM
❤️🍷❤️🌎❤️🍷❤️ cheers fellow earthlings ❤️🍷❤️🌎❤️🍷❤️
J. Gorman on January 03 2021 at 03:05PM
Thanks so much for the beautiful pieces delivered today. I was just so excited open them and couldn’t stop smiling after Grant have them to me. I’ve added them to a ceremonial outfit I’ve been putting together to exchange vows again with him. ☺️. If you want to see the pic of it all laid out on the hanger just ask him for it. Happy to share. Thanks for the grace! And artistic mastery from you both 🙏🤟👌🙌!!
J. Gorman on January 02 2021 at 11:34AM
🌸❄️🌱♾ happy 2021!! To continued growth and beauty… the “point” I see! ♾🌱❄️🌸
J. Gorman on December 31 2020 at 06:41PM
I think I’ve deviated from the topic… what’s the point?…………………. music sweet music, love sweet love, but I know I’m silly, gotta find better humor but I’m waiting………. on things, on the governments………………… like a natural free human being, sweet with the real living, watching arrows fly….. but hey, no ones watching, right? I’m happy but now I ain’t laughin. Like hey man, cheers, the new year be betta….haven’t you heard? 2021, I heard her say…. 2021 will fix it 🥂 🎆 like fireworks, like rocks, like leather, like love…. you know, the real kind. ♾
J. Gorman on December 28 2020 at 08:59PM
I enjoyed all the questions. Made me stop thinking myself for a second and just read without needing answers to my own questions…. like how Ill ever be able to feed our family and pay our rent for the rest of our life. Like how I’ll ever forgive all the heartless demons who have stalked my soul my whole life. Or how I’ll ever stop laughing at the gutless creatures that refuse to understand grace and live lovingly. Yep, so glad ya’ll helped me to stop thinking for a bit. And by the way… the work is beyond exquisite. Can’t wait to wear it at a five star restaurant one day. Peace from this natural free human being. 🤟
Bobby W. Baker on July 10 2019 at 09:24AM
Out of all those musings, the one that resonates with me is whether or not our predecessors were happier than us. I’ve been studying happiness for a few years now and I have discovered that being happy is an inside job. The ability to feel happy had seemed to me, for so many decades, to depend on outer circumstances. Something had to “make” us happy. I then had to depend on my external environment to do something that would make me happy.
But happiness is a feeling brought on by thinking. And we’re so much better off understanding that we can generate feelings of happiness with our own thoughts. No need for our outer world to be pinned with the responsibility of making us happy.
The rub comes in when we actually practice feeling happy deliberately with no apparent cause. That’s when we find out just how indoctrinated and half-asleep we really are. It should be a piece of cake, but it can sometimes be a struggle instead.
I truly believe though, that with practice, it can be a life-changing experience that will serve us right up until we fall into our grave. Maybe even longer.